Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Nikita - R.I.S.E Lesson 1

My name is:    Nikita Tutor: MRS Anderson

Being rEsponsible at Tamaki College is about getting on with what is expected of you.

In all areas you are to:
  • Be in the right place at the right time
  • Dress in the correct uniform
  • Follow instructions given

Your task is to read each of the mini tasks below and write your answer on the ‘My answer’ column.  You don’t always have to use words, you can also use images or diagrams too!  Try and complete as much as you can:)

At Tamaki College, we are RESPONSIBLE when we ...

  1. Are in the right place at the right time

Complete the mini tasks right here!
My answer
The class I am in right now is…

(what subject are you in at the moment?)
Finish this sentence:  I am responsible for being at school on time because...
I know that I want to learn….
Think of all the reasons why someone may not be at the right place at the right time especially when the bell goes for class??
  • Not wanting to learn in class
  • Not liking the teacher
  • Not liking a specific student
  • The class doesn't like him at all

Getting to each of your classes shows you are being rEsponsible
Name two or three subjects or activities at school where it is important to be there on time and say why it is important?run to class.jpeg
P.E - You have be on time to P.E because you only get P.E twice a week.  It's the opportunity to have P.E. If you're not there on time your wasting the P.E teachers time as well as the people who have got ready and waiting for one person. You have the chance to play sports with your other classmates. If you come late you're wasting time.. and it even complicated if you don't bring your gear. Only chance to have fun..

Science - Science is really important to be on time because you never know if you just walk into room and others are doing experiments and they have got safety goggles and a lab coat and you walk in on something and you might get hurt by something. Especially a chemical. Be on time or you're wasting time and you might get hurt by different things in the science lab.
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Learning the skills of being rEsponsible outside or after school helps heaps!
Think about being outside of school.  Where would being at the right place at the right time be really important???
When its a fire drill and it's no lie. If there is a real fire you should follow your other classmates outside of the school to be safe. Teachers will mark the roll to check if all the students in your class are here and if you're not there then the teachers will be worried and so will your parents if they find out. That means you're not in the right place and you didn't listen.

2.  At Tamaki College, we are RESPONSIBILE when we ...Dress in the correct uniform.

Complete the mini tasks right here!
My answer
Complete the sentence:
The uniform I wear is…

(describe your current uniform junior or senior)
Junior Uniform
There are many types of school uniforms at our school. Name as many as you can...
Blue Vest, Maroon Jumper, Black and Maroon Checkered skirt, blue jacket, blue boy shorts, white polo tops, blue polo tops, white tamaki socks, blue and maroon socks.
Write down all the reasons why is it important to wear a school uniform?
It's important that you wear your school uniform because it's showing respect.. And if you don't wear your uniform you wasted your parents money putting in for your uniform at the start of the year.
Why is our uniform better than others?  
Because our teachers expect us to be in full school uniform so that we can all look like a family and that we have the correct uniform on. It's better because tamaki is a intelligent school and we are all family so the seniors help us to have the correct uniform on.
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Why do people outside of school wear uniforms ?

Because they work at different places… Like at pak'nsave you see all these people who bake for the bakery and they have different uniforms. Its because it's there job to wear the right correct uniform for there job.

3.  At Tamaki College, we are RESPONSIBILE when we ... Follow instructions given.

How well do you follow the instructions at Tamaki College?  Copy and paste this face 😀and put it where you think it goes.

In the classroom...

I don’t follow any instructions given to me by my teacher
I follow some of the instructions given to me by the teacher
I follow all instructions given to me by my teacher


In the school grounds ...
I don’t follow any instructions given to me by my teacher
I follow some of the instructions given to me by the teacher
I follow all instructions given to me by my teacher


Most of the time in my classes I think..
No one follows instructions
some people follow instructions
everyone follows instructions


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