I my Easter weekend I went out to my cousin's house and played with my cousin's and watched movies with them and watch everyone outside have a good time then we went out a had a munch with some of our family.
The next day I helped my mum clean the house after that we went out of the house with my brother went on a car ride to take some things.We were on our way back home and stopped at Paknsave and brought some food and went home and had a movie night.
And on the last night my aunty brought dinner home and we went to her friends house and kicked back their and talked with her then got home and finished the night with a movie.
Tuesday, 29 March 2016
Easter weekend Happs !
My Easter weekend was a blast ! Most of the easter weekend i spent with my Family. In the weekend me and my family went and spent quality time together at the beach. The baeach that we went to was Maraetai. Me and my little brother Andre were jumping off the wharf and doing big as bombs, While my mum and them were getting us a massive Feed.
And As the days were going by fast the weekend started getting boring because i was missing school. The chocolate that we had got were imaculate, I had a lot more then you could ever imagine. I know that i had a great weekend and i hope you did too !
And As the days were going by fast the weekend started getting boring because i was missing school. The chocolate that we had got were imaculate, I had a lot more then you could ever imagine. I know that i had a great weekend and i hope you did too !
Easter break-Blog post
This Easter weekend stayed home and watched Television with my parents and siblings, I also walked to Bunny's to play games and do my homework. I ended up recording some games and doing my family profile. When I went home I watched some gold rush and animal planet.
Then I watched some documentary of how Jesus was crucified. Then I went up the road to the internet cafe to play on the games that were on computers. I played Minecraft and the Dying light and thats basically it.
Then I watched some documentary of how Jesus was crucified. Then I went up the road to the internet cafe to play on the games that were on computers. I played Minecraft and the Dying light and thats basically it.
Easter Break- Blog Post 2016
Every year on, starting from the 25th of March it would be announced that for five days, Friday to Monday it would be the time to relax and have good fun because it is a Easter break. This is an occasion where most people remember the execution and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
During that 5 day weekend break, me and my family were resting at home watching television and just relax. Well... I was in my room just playing games and visiting my facebook because I was very bored at home. But on a Sunday, I had to go church with my family to thank our saviour, (Jesus Christ). After we had church, we went home and had a big feast which was really awesome. I really enjoyed every minute of that Easter break because we also had a Easter hunt and I found many Easter Eggs. It was a good time for my family to bond. On the first day of Easter, on friday, I had a church-Easter conference and had a break between each speech, then we had a morning tea, then lunch time because it was so long. The thing I enjoyed most, was having a big feast after our Sunday, church.

My Easter Weekend 2016
My Easter break was fantastic! Me and my aunty's, cousins and uncle's were able to go down to Hamilton for the weekend. The rest stayed in Auckland. While going down we were stuck in traffic and it was a long trip going and coming back. Hamilton is the greatest place that I've actually been to because the air is so fresh and I could learn so much about it. Easter was great!
On Friday and Sunday we had been given easter eggs and bunnies. I loved it so much and because I'm such a chocolate lover, I finished my chocolate like that. I thank my aunty's and uncle's for the weekend and my grandmother's permission.
On Friday and Sunday we had been given easter eggs and bunnies. I loved it so much and because I'm such a chocolate lover, I finished my chocolate like that. I thank my aunty's and uncle's for the weekend and my grandmother's permission.
Easter Holiday
what's up everyone, hope you guys had a great easter weekend.
During the small holiday, all I did was mainly go church to thank our saviour Jesus Christ who forgave our sins.
I also had a easter hunt with my family and watched action movies like Deadpool and Karate kid. The next day I had a BBQ with my family.
But the thing I mostly did and other people mostly did was, facebook. But I hope you all had a solid and
blessed weekend. Faafetai Lava
During the small holiday, all I did was mainly go church to thank our saviour Jesus Christ who forgave our sins.
I also had a easter hunt with my family and watched action movies like Deadpool and Karate kid. The next day I had a BBQ with my family.
But the thing I mostly did and other people mostly did was, facebook. But I hope you all had a solid and
blessed weekend. Faafetai Lava
Easter Break
My Easter break was Amazing! My whole family had gone to Pukekohe to celebrate Easter mum and little sister. Everyone had fun while eating there eggs and playing together. Later on we went to go get some more chocolate at the Warehouse.
My sisters and I were going to grab as much chocolate things that we were allowed. There was so much we couldn't pick what ones we wanted. I was so confused. My mum and dad were looking around waiting for us to hurry and pick something out.
Taniela's Family Time
Family Time
During our Easter break my family and I went to the beach, it was a bit boring but I still had fun. The key thing we did was swimming but we also played a couple of games aswell. My cousins and I were playing a game of touch.
Even though it was boring I still had fun with my family, I wish to go there on a special event. While we were going I walked past a couple of dogs that seemed a little bit angry at me so I hoped my in car.
Easter Weekend
During Easter weekend it was fine cause we got to get out of the house.
So on Saturday our church had created a Easter egg hunt for the little children. The Easter hunt went on for two hours so the older children had a chance to find some as well. As soon as we found most of the chocolates we saved some to take home. At the end of the day we had a big feed.
On Tuesday, we had a youth night at Point England Reserve and people from our church was there to join in and have fun. We had played games like touch, a game including chocolate and had a swim in the sea. As we went home we went to drop of some chocolates to my little nephews and nieces to eat.
So on Saturday our church had created a Easter egg hunt for the little children. The Easter hunt went on for two hours so the older children had a chance to find some as well. As soon as we found most of the chocolates we saved some to take home. At the end of the day we had a big feed.
On Tuesday, we had a youth night at Point England Reserve and people from our church was there to join in and have fun. We had played games like touch, a game including chocolate and had a swim in the sea. As we went home we went to drop of some chocolates to my little nephews and nieces to eat.
Easter Weekend!!!
During my easter break it was very fun and busy break.
I got to spend some quality family time, and to catch up because we have all been busy with work and school. So during that time we all got a lot easter egg from our aunties. It was a very busy weekend because there was a party and a lot of babies to look after while they drink . It was a very fun weekend because I got the chance to meet my new cousins, and to catch up on how life is treating them.
We went to church on friday, and it was very packed so we had to sit outside. After church we went home and step dads' mum came over and celebrated easter with us, it was very good to get to know her. But it was very boring on monday because all we did was sleep because we were all tried from sunday.
I got to spend some quality family time, and to catch up because we have all been busy with work and school. So during that time we all got a lot easter egg from our aunties. It was a very busy weekend because there was a party and a lot of babies to look after while they drink . It was a very fun weekend because I got the chance to meet my new cousins, and to catch up on how life is treating them.
We went to church on friday, and it was very packed so we had to sit outside. After church we went home and step dads' mum came over and celebrated easter with us, it was very good to get to know her. But it was very boring on monday because all we did was sleep because we were all tried from sunday.
Easter Brake
What is a "Easter Brake"? A easter brake is a time when families get to spend quality time together, and eat a lot of easter eggs and other chocolates. Easter is one of my favourite times of the year because you get to spend a long holiday of work and school, and just having quality time with your family and not only that but you also get to eat yummy chocolate.
Me and my family stayed home and had a feast and then we went to my nanas house and spent more time with her. On Friday and Saturday me and my sisters had been spending time at ours friends house and on the last 3 days of our easter holiday we had family time. We didn't really go out much but we basically stayed home and ate chocolate.
But me and my eldest sister made breakfast in bed for the last 3 days of easter, and cooked dinner and also cleaned up the house. And on Monday I had a lot of fun because when me and my sister served our parents and my little sisters were getting lunch ready. We spent that day at the beach. And as we went home after spending 6 hours at the beach getting tan lines, we had a long rest at home watching movies.
My Easter Break
During Easter break, I spent time with my family and went to a public sports ground where we played basket ball and touch. We did that nearly the whole easter break. Also we went to the beach to watch the waves and the seagulls. On Sunday we went to celebrate the resurrection of the lord Jesus Christ.
The other monday and tuesday, we did easter hunting around the house. Then I just played games on PS3, like Black ops 3 and and advanced warfare. The Easter break was fun and I hoped we could get a longer break.
Easter weekend for me was a great time spent with Family and Friends. On Friday, i just relaxed in bed, watching movies and then got up to eat some food before continuing, it was pretty funny that day because when i got up my parents were like "oh! good afternoon". Then with a snap of a finger it was Saturday. Saturday was awesome, helping Mum prepare food for the family to eat.
On Sunday, it was great to go to church to experience the true meaning of easter and remembering the Sacrifice Jesus Christ made. Monday was spent with my cousins around and i watched 'The Freedom Writers' movie. My cousins came over to help my sister with something for church .Finally it was Tuesday and I went to church for a youth activity, it felt awesome to see everyone having fun.
its great to be back to School, because i really started to miss my friends.
Easter Break
Easter Weekend...
My easter weekend was a blast for me.... On Friday I just played outside with my younger siblings and my little kitten. We just sat there and relaxed and we did nothing but we just relaxed and we had a BBQ. It was amazing and I loved it so much.. It was the best day and I couldn't wait for more days of fun and happiness.
On Saturday I went to my little cousins birthday, was turning 5 years old and I was so happy for him.. We ate and there was a disco and I joined in it was amazing. We had so much fun and we loved it all. Me and my siblings loved the night and we enjoyed everything and every bit of it... Once the whole birthday was finished we all got lollie bags and we all went home with happiness.
On Sunday I went to my aunties house for a easter hunt and for all of my family and cousins can come together to have a good time of easter hunting. There were a lot of food and there were a lot of lollies and it was amazing... It went in age group from little to bigger. I was the last group to go to find my easter lollies. As well as easter it was also my other aunties birthday and I made her a red velvet cake to celebrate her 43rd birthday and she was happy at me and proud of me. She appreciated that I knew it was her birthday and I did something for her special day.
Easter Weekend
During Easter weekend I went to our Easter Conference. All Samoan AOG churches had to come together as one. So we had church for three days it was on Friday Saturday and Sunday. We celebrated the day Jesus resurrected and rose again.
After church we had lunch then we all go home. hen we come back for night service .
\It was so Fun we get to meet the other churches from Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin
and other places in New Zealand. On Friday we had church then we had a break We did youth activity. We played touch while the others were playing volleyball
Easter Was Great.
What i got up to in the easter weekend was i went to my mum house were i haven't been in a long time which was pretty fantastic so when it came to easter my mum gave me and my brother an easter egg which was very yum and i really enjoyed it i so grateful
and thats whats happen in weekend i returned home yesterday
at 12o clock then i went to my mates house and we just hung like normal
people do.
people do.
What i got upto in the easter break - BUNNY
In the easter weekend, Me and my mum went to sylvia park and brought a bunch of easter eggs for the rest of my family, That was on sunday, the rest of the week i stayed home relaxed and Played on my game. The best part about my weekend was when i got a big easter egg from my mum, although i dont like dark chocolate i still appreciate it.
But monday was really really awesome, I got a nuke on black ops 3, a nuke is 30 kills without dying, it is really hard to get but i done it, that was one of my most proudest moments. So that was my easter weekend.
But monday was really really awesome, I got a nuke on black ops 3, a nuke is 30 kills without dying, it is really hard to get but i done it, that was one of my most proudest moments. So that was my easter weekend.
Estah, Easter Weekend
In the weekends we had a youth gathering. Every year we have a youth gathering. It was really good because we got to see our brothers and sisters from other churches. Before we started our performance our minister was talking to everyone. He was talking to everyone about how Jesus died on the cross for our sins.
Every church had something to do some churches sing, dance or do a play. Our church was picked to do a dance. We were dancing to No God Like You. We choose this song because there is no one like GOD and he is the only GOD we have. When we got stage the phone started to freeze. Two minutes later the phone started to work again and like thirty seconds later it was frozen again and then we told then to close the curtains. When the curtains were closed we started to laugh. But we were really happy because we felt good because we got the biggest appals.
Every church had something to do some churches sing, dance or do a play. Our church was picked to do a dance. We were dancing to No God Like You. We choose this song because there is no one like GOD and he is the only GOD we have. When we got stage the phone started to freeze. Two minutes later the phone started to work again and like thirty seconds later it was frozen again and then we told then to close the curtains. When the curtains were closed we started to laugh. But we were really happy because we felt good because we got the biggest appals.
Family Outing
Family Outing
During the Past days my Family have been going on these kinda things called Family Outings its when family's get together and plan what there gonna do. Our first Activity together was when we went to One tree hill Park and had an easter egg hunt but it was a normal one our parents were Blind folded during this Activity and my mum fell down and started grabbing all the easter eggs.
Our second Activity we did wasn't with my mums family it was with my fathers family and it wasn't as fun as my mums family but I had a good time. We ate a lot of yum food but it was mostly tongan songs luckily I knew most of them. Straight after that we went to our Band we had to teach new comers that wanted to learn how to play but it was nerve racking because it was my first time teaching young kids.
Easter Weekend
In my Easter weekend I spent it with my family and we all got together and had a big family lunch we watch movies all day talked,laughed.Then the next we went on a car ride after that we brought some food and had a movie night .
Easter Weekend Writing
In the easter weekend I stayed home and cleaned my room, sitting room, bathroom, toilet and much more places in the house it was really fun because I got to see the difference of when it was dirty to clean, I used so much cleaning accessories to clean the house with.
Also my favourite thing about the weekends is that once I got to finish all my cleaning I got to chill in bed and watch movies on my netbook with no one in the room disturbing me and my movie, I had lots of fun in the easter weekend because I also got to have a break off school.
Also my favourite thing about the weekends is that once I got to finish all my cleaning I got to chill in bed and watch movies on my netbook with no one in the room disturbing me and my movie, I had lots of fun in the easter weekend because I also got to have a break off school.
Easter break happs !
During the easter break Me and my Family spent the whole weekend together.
The first couple of days it got boring because i was missing school, But then it got better, The chocolate started coming in A lot of it.
The day i got my easter eggs i had finished it. A king size black forest chocolate, 2 Bunnys and alot more that you could not imagine. The weekend started going faster and faster and the days were slowly dying down.
In the easter weekend we also spent most of our days at the beach, We Went to Glendowie wharf to do bombs, Lol, And we Also went to Maraetai for a family day out. The easter weekend was pretty solid, But its just that i was missing school and all my friends. But i had a really fun time and i enjoyed myself aswell. I had a really good time and i hope you did too !
The first couple of days it got boring because i was missing school, But then it got better, The chocolate started coming in A lot of it.
The day i got my easter eggs i had finished it. A king size black forest chocolate, 2 Bunnys and alot more that you could not imagine. The weekend started going faster and faster and the days were slowly dying down.
In the easter weekend we also spent most of our days at the beach, We Went to Glendowie wharf to do bombs, Lol, And we Also went to Maraetai for a family day out. The easter weekend was pretty solid, But its just that i was missing school and all my friends. But i had a really fun time and i enjoyed myself aswell. I had a really good time and i hope you did too !
Sunday, 20 March 2016
Lesson 2: Responsibility Lesson
My name is: Vaifoa Lam Sam Tutor: Ms Anderson 9RAn
Being rEsponsible at Tamaki College is about getting on with what is expected of you.
In the classroom you are to:
- Turn up to classes on time
- Wear the correct Tamaki College uniform
- Bring the right equipment
Your task is to read each of the mini tasks below and write your answer on the ‘My answer’ column. You don’t always have to use words, you can also use images or diagrams too! Try and complete as much as you can:)
At Tamaki College, we are RESPONSIBLE when we ...
- Turn up to classes on time.
Your Answer
Thinking about the start of school at Tamaki College, what is the one subject you find the most difficult.
Social Studies
Complete the following sentence:
I find this subject difficult because......
List all of the reasons why being in this class on time is important (for example, how will it help your learning?)
I don’t know that much about history and I get stuck on questions related to it.
In what ways does the whole class benefit if everyone is on time
I think that it is important to be on time in school because you can get the opportunity to learn more and keep up with the task that is given to you.
What areas outside of school is it important to turn up on time, and why?
I think that what is important outside of school is home because when I turn up late my mum would give me a growling.
- Wear the correct Tamaki College Uniform
Uniforms tell you not only that a person belongs to a certain group but also that person has skills other people don’t. A police officer is only allowed to wear this uniform if he/she has completed specific training. A nurse is only allowed to wear this uniform if they have completed nursing school. You wouldn’t ask a police officer to stitch a cut on your arm and you wouldn’t ask a nurse to arrest someone.
At Tamaki College, students are responsible when they wear their school uniform properly throughout the day.
Below are five reasons to wear the correct school uniform at Tamaki College. Rank them in order from most important (1) to least important (5) Place a number beside each.
We wear the correct school uniform because having everybody dress the same helps stop bullying
We wear the correct school uniform as it helps build school pride
We wear the correct school uniform as it teaches us that when we move into employment we have to dress appropriately
We wear the correct school uniform as it helps us learn by removing distractions
We wear the correct school uniform as it makes us feel part of the Tamaki College Family
Complete the following two sentences
The most important reason for wearing the correct school uniform is:
I have chosen this reason because: To stop other students from bullying each other and mocking them about their clothes if they weren’t wearing a uniform and it also builds up school pride.
- Bring the right Equipment
We are responsible when we bring the right equipment to the classroom. Below is a word find - see if you can find the words on the left in the puzzle. Hint: some of the words might be backwards.
Use the highlight function when you discover a word
Vocabulary Word
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