Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Zombie College challenge

This is my certificate for completing the Zombie College challenge. My reward for completing was an A+. The challenge was hard, But at the same time, I still managed to complete it. With the help of my partner Brendon.

Science Certificate

Together me and my partner Alisha were assigned to do a activity on the internet during science class. As you can see we got an A+ on our activity. What we were suppose to do was to follow the process of the activity and try to figure out and do the 5 rules of lab safety.  Please leave a comment and I hope you enjoyed this blog-post! 


Today in science Lizara and i played this zombie game and got a A+

Science Certificate

Together me and my partner Rebekah were assigned to do a activity on the internet during science class. As you can see we got an A+ on our activity. What we were suppose to do was to follow the process of the activity and try to figure out and do the 5 rules of lab safety.  Please leave a comment and I hope you enjoyed this blog-post! 

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

My Experience's at Tamaki Collage

My Experience at Tamaki Collage. I've met many more people than at Primary. I've made new friends have many more teachers. I haven't been here long but I know i'm going to like it.

A day at Tamaki college

This year at college was really fun, because I got to make new friends also. At Tamaki college my favourite subject is english.
Hi everyone!
hope you all are having a great time here at Tamaki :)
My time here at Tamaki College is really great. I really think english class is wonderful, watching movies, reading and writing, i hated reading and writing before i came Tamaki but i now english is just one of my favourites.

Well i hope u guys have fun.
faafetai Lava :)

My time at Tamaki

At my first few weeks at Tamaki College I have enjoyed all my subject class's and joining in different activities around the school.

Positive Things That Had Happened

I like the experience with college because I like all the subjects we have at college, it gives a lot of experience for when we need it later on in life. I have had a lot of fun at college.
I really like like English class because it is very understanding, it is very cool, Tamaki as been a very good experience, i have made a lot new friends and teachers.

My Time at Tamaki

My Time at Tamaki

My time here at school was pretty exciting and fun. My favourite subject is English, english is really fun because we have the most two best Teachers in the school Mrs George and Mr Stevenson both of them teach english. Tamaki is pretty hard at some times but I try not to get lost during periods because sometimes I don't know where to go but I always find a way to get to my classes. I like spending time with Teachers its really good talking to them because they help us out with our problems and the Teacher that helps me the most is Mrs George cause she knows all my family members and tells me all about them what they do and if they have got in trouble.

A great experience

A great experince that has happened in my life was when i went to rainbwsend for the first time. I was scared and excited at the same time and the worse thing was my fear of heights. So the first ride i went on was the fear fall i was so scared but i had to get over my fear of heights and so we were up on the air and you could see every thing from up there and that was a good experience being in the air and so yeah that was a good experience and i would like to do it again sometime.

A great experience at Tamaki Collage

During my 3 weeks at Tamaki Collage I have meet a lot of new and intersting friends. I also have fun learning different subjects such as maths and social studies
One of my great experience's that has happened to me at this school would probably have to be meeting all the new students, Going to different classes and meeting all the teachers, But especially Learning new things and just having fun. One of my favourite subjects would have to be P.E and social studies.

think positive

Something positive that has been happening....

since ive been at tamaki college i have made new friends enjoyed every hour and minute here! i like the teachers who have provided all these subjects for all us students to learn here at Tamaki College. Tamaki College is a wonderful place to be!!!


The most funnest and most positive thing that happened, was when i started bonding with everyone. The Tamaki Family is full of joy and fun.The experience so far, has been awesome. i will never forget the day i started and all i got from the Seniors was Happy smiles and positivity.I LOOOVEE SCHOOLL.

A Postive day at Tamaki

Something positive thing that thing I remember doing at Tamaki College was making new friends. It was nice to see a lot of students spread across the Manaiakalani cluster, come to this school. I also enjoyed seeing all the new teachers and new subjects. My favourite subject that I enjoy right now in College is Maths.

Being Positive About Tamaki

Image result for rise tamaki collegeSince I've started Tamaki College I have been experiencing some new classes & subjects as well as being very positive about the new people and things that I met. There are loads of new teachers that I'm getting use to as well as subjects. My favourite subjects are Social Studys, Art & Math. Every class that I have been going to I learn something new.

Tamaki College Experience!

                Something Positive That Happened!
The first day of school I was scared at first seeing all people I don't know and people I do know. But I got to know people I started to feel like I was calming down and getting comfortable with others. As well as meeting new teachers and and having laughs. I made some new friends better than my other school which was Pt England School. I have had fun for the past few weeks. I have meet lovely and kind teachers and lovely and nice students. 

Something Positive That Has Happen To Me

Ever since I attended Tamaki College a lot of stuff has happened to me. I am slowly finding my way around. Experiencing new classes and making new friends was hard but when I got to know then I was getting use to it. I like walking around and seeing classes that I haven't been to. Talking to people from others schools was difficult at first. When I heard that you can join for Polyfest I was just excited I decided to join Samoan group. Taking a step from intermediate to college seemed hard because Tamaki College looked like a big school but once you get use to it you will be on a roll.

Something Positive That Happened!

The day I started school, I was getting to know people and made new friends. I was starting to contribute with others in my tutor class. Walking past students, students say hello I just loved it when students say hi because they are making me feel welcomed. Teachers teaching us well and made me learn something new.
My Experience at tamaki college Is fun because I do a lot 
of subjects.On my first day i was curious on what it would
be like for me.But my favourite experience is English.

Something Positive That Happend

Something positive that happend to me was getting to know my class and getting to spend time with friends at school. I really enjoy the English subject because we get to o lots of reading and writing altogether as a class.

My time at Tamaki College

Image result for Tamaki College
What is Tamaki College to me? Tamaki College is a place where people feel welcomed. Our Tamaki College values is "R.I.S.E" which stands for "Respect, Integrity, Success and REsponsiblitly".From the day I knew what Tamaki College was, I was scared but since i've been here I actually enjoy it. The things that I mostly enjoyed at Tamaki was the subjects that the teachers have provided us with. But my 3 favourites has to be "social studies, P.E and Maths. 

Something Positive

Image result for positive

Something positive about being at Tamaki College is meeting new teachers and making new friends. Another thing about being positive at Tamaki College is learning there process and there environment. I like working hard towards the school and I love to learn about the school. Did you know that we have values?, and they are:


By: Rebekah Solomona

Monday, 15 February 2016

Introducing Me

Hi my name Joseph, I recently came from Glenbrae School, I  like to play games and do other stuff

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Tamaki College blog Post

hi my name is sarahnea rini otani im 13 years old and i attended pt england school last year my hobbies are playing netball and spending some time with my friends 

Tamaki College Blog Post

Kia Ora! My name is Lizara Raupita - Tango and I am 13 years of age for 2016. My previous school that I use to go to before I came to Tamaki College was "Pt England school". I am so proud to be a Tamaki College students coming from Pt England school. My hobbies are playing  sports, maths, and performing in front of a small croud. The subjects that I don't enjoy doing is "English and Science". Thank you for visiting this blog!!!

all about me

 talofa lava, my name is ryan aufai. i came from glen taylor school & i like music and arts.
im full samoan and i now attend tamaki college. i am a twin and i am the eldest twin. i also like gaming and a little bit of science. And thats all about me.

All about me

My name is Haarera Rapata, i'm maori, 13 years old and my last school was Glen Innes school. I like to read, play video games and spending time with my family.

Introducing me

                                       Ki ora my name is Bunny Hiku, i am 13 years old  and i went

           to glen taylor school, i am now studdying at Tamaki college.

Who I Am

My name is Mikayla Niuloa and I am 13 years of age & I come to Tamaki college & the previous school I just left was Ruapotaka Primary.My hobbies are playing sport like basketball and soccer, singing & drawing.The subjects I really enjoy are Art and Math.

About Me

Hi my name is Florida Melefu I'u and the previous school I went to was Ruapotaka Primary School. Something interesting about me is that I'm a Samoan and my favourite subject in school is Social Studies.

All about me

Kia ora My name is Kaiya-jade Randall.
I came from Glen taylor School, I love playing sports, listening to music and spending quality time with family and friends.

All about me

Hi my name is Moala Iongi.The  school I just came from was Glen Taylor School .
I like playing sports and hanging with friends.

All about me

Hi! My name is Taniela Koloa and i'm 13 years of age, and I was a former student from Pt England school and now attend Tamaki College as a year 9. The hobbies I enjoy are sports also learning new things.

Introducing Me!!!

Hi my name is Rebekah Solomona and I am a year 9 student at Tamaki College. I recently came from Pt England school and I am twelve.

Malo Leilei i am Alisha Fifita
 and i attendent Glen Taylor School, i really like playing sports and having
alot of family time. I also like hanging out with friends and having alot of fun.

All about me!!!

Malo lelei my name is Sia Tupou.
I came from Saint Pius X Catholic School. I really love playing sports and spending quality time with my family and friends.

All about me

Hi! My name is Brandon Fifita Im a past student from Tamaki Primary and now attend 
Tamaki College. I have many Hobbies I enjoy Sports, Learning and many other interesting things but what i enjoy most about being at this school is Music.
My full name is Dean Madden Tetai
I am thirteen years old and a year nine
i am a student at tamaki college.

About Me

Hi my name is Liku Moa and I came from Pt England School.
I like to play rugby and touch.

All about me

Ki ora! My name Jonson, and I am a student at Tamaki College. I like to play touch, soccer and basketball. My favorite subject is math, and I also like to play black ops 2 zombies.

Introducing ME

Name:Loloma Pepa

Previous School:St Heliers School

Something Interesting about me: I LOVE SCHOOL.

Introducing Me

My name is Mao Tumanuvao
I came from Pt England School, I really enjoy spending time with family and friends and I also enjoy coming to school.

Introducing Me!

Kia ora!  I am Ms Anderson and I will be one of your tutor teachers for 2016.
I teach Digital Technologies and am also the Head of Technology at Tamaki College.
I am a mum to an 8 year old (soon to be 9 year old) son Joshua.  On the weekends I enjoy hanging out with my friends and whanau, and participating in multisport events.

Awesome start to 2016

9RAn had an amazing start to the year.  The majority of students started the year looking absolutely fantastic and smart in their school uniforms.  Great work team, keep it up!